The whole team at NanoWorld AFM probes wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The whole team at NanoWorld AFM probes wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
It’s the second day @Materials_MRS Fall Exhibit 2019. We’re giving away free samples of NanoWorld Arrow-NCR AFM probes in celebration of our 20th anniversary next year. Visit NanoAndMore USA booth #612 to pick up your free sample and find out what more we have planned for our anniversary year.
You’re welcome to visit us @NanoAndMore Japan booth 6A-402 at #JASIS2019 from September 4-6th, 2019 at Makuhari Messe, Japan to learn more about NanoWorld high quality #AFM probes for #AtomicForceMicroscopy and #ScanningProbeMicroscopy